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Setting Virtual-Processor Configuration Parameters with a Text Editor

You can use a text editor program to set ONCONFIG parameters at any time. Use the editor to locate the parameter that you want to change, enter the new value, and rewrite the file to disk.

Table 16 lists the ONCONFIG parameters that are used to configure virtual processors. For more information on how these parameters affect virtual processors, refer to Virtual-Processor Classes.

Table 16. ONCONFIG Parameters for Configuring Virtual Processors
Parameter Purpose
AFF_NPROCS Specifies the number of CPUs to which CPU virtual processors will be assigned (multiprocessor computers only)
AFF_SPROC Specifies the first CPU (of AFF_NPROCS) to which a CPU virtual processor will be assigned
MULTIPROCESSOR Specifies that you are running on a multiprocessor computer
NETTYPE Specifies parameters for network protocol threads (and virtual processors)
NOAGE Specifies no priority aging of processes by the operating system
NUMAIOVPS Specifies the number of AIO virtual processors
NUMCPUVPS Specifies the number of CPU virtual processors
NUMFIFOVPS Specifies the number of FIFO virtual processors
SINGLE_CPU_VP Specifies that you are running a single CPU virtual processor

Specifying Virtual Processor Parameters for Uniprocessors or Symmetric Multiprocessors

If the nodes on your parallel-processing platform are uniprocessors, set the following parameters to the indicated values to configure each coserver for single-processor operation.









If your nodes are SMPs (symmetric multiprocessors), use the following parameters to control how the database server processes work on each multiprocessor. The exact values to use for these parameters depend on the number of CPUs in each SMP node:

Disabling Priority Aging

Use the NOAGE parameter to disable process priority aging on platforms that allow this feature.

For recommended values for these database server parameters on your platform, refer to your machine notes file.

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