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How Virtual Processors Attach to Shared Memory

The database server virtual processors attach to shared memory during initialization. During this process, the database server must satisfy the following two requirements:

The database server uses two configuration parameters, SERVERNUM and SHMBASE, to meet these requirements.

When a virtual processor attaches to shared memory, it performs the following major steps:

  1. Accesses the SERVERNUM parameter from the ONCONFIG file
  2. Uses SERVERNUM to calculate a shared-memory key value
  3. Requests a shared-memory segment using the shared-memory key value

    The operating system returns the shared-memory identifier for the first shared-memory segment.

  4. Directs the operating system to attach the first shared-memory segment to its process space at SHMBASE
  5. Attaches additional shared-memory segments, if required, to be contiguous with the first segment

The following sections describe how the database server uses the values of the SERVERNUM and SHMBASE configuration parameters in the process of attaching shared-memory segments.

Defining a Unique Key Value

The database server uses the ONCONFIG parameter SERVERNUM to calculate a unique key value for its shared-memory segments. All virtual processors within a single database server instance share the same key value. When each virtual processor attaches to shared memory, it calculates the key value as follows:

(SERVERNUM * 65536) + shmkey

The value of shmkey is set internally and cannot be changed by the user. (The shmkey value is 52564801 in hexadecimal representation or 1,381,386,241 in decimal.) The value (SERVERNUM * 65,536) is the same as multiplying SERVERNUM by hexadecimal 10,000.

When more than one database server instance exists on a single computer, the difference in the key values for any two instances is the difference between the two SERVERNUM values, multiplied by 65,536.

When a virtual processor requests that the operating system attach the first shared-memory segment, it supplies the unique key value to identify the segment. In return, the operating system passes back a shared-memory segment identifier associated with the key value. Using this identifier, the virtual processor requests that the operating system attach the segment of shared memory to the virtual-processor address space.

Specifying Where to Attach the First Shared-Memory Segment

The SHMBASE parameter in the ONCONFIG file specifies the virtual address where each virtual processor attaches the first, or base, shared-memory segment. Each virtual processor attaches to the first shared-memory segment at the same virtual address. This situation enables all virtual processors within the same database server instance to reference the same locations in shared memory without needing to calculate shared-memory addresses. All shared-memory addresses for an instance of the database server are relative to SHMBASE.

It is recommended that you not attempt to change the value of SHMBASE.

The value of SHMBASE is sensitive for the following reasons:

Attaching Additional Shared-Memory Segments

Each virtual processor must attach to the total amount of shared memory that the database server has acquired. After a virtual processor attaches each shared-memory segment, it calculates how much shared memory it has attached and how much remains. The database server facilitates this process by writing a shared-memory header to the first shared-memory segment. Sixteen bytes into the header, a virtual processor can obtain the following data:

To attach additional shared-memory segments, a virtual processor requests them from the operating system in much the same way that it requested the first segment. For the additional segments, however, the virtual processor adds 1 to the previous value of shmkey. The virtual processor directs the operating system to attach the segment at the address that results from the following calculation:

SHMBASE + (seg_size x number of attached segments)

The virtual processor repeats this process until it has acquired the total amount of shared memory.

Given the initial key value of (SERVERNUM * 65536) + shmkey, the database server can request up to 65,536 shared-memory segments before it could request a shared-memory key value used by another database server instance on the same computer.

Defining the Shared-Memory Lower-Boundary Address

If your operating system uses a parameter to define the lower boundary address for shared memory, and the parameter is set incorrectly, it can prevent the shared-memory segments from being attached contiguously.

Figure 36 illustrates the problem. If the lower-boundary address is less than the ending address of the previous segment plus the size of the current segment, the operating system attaches the current segment at a point beyond the end of the previous segment. This action creates a gap between the two segments. Because shared memory must be attached to a virtual processor so that it looks like contiguous memory, this gap creates problems. The database server receives errors when this situation occurs. To correct the problem, check the operating-system kernel parameter that specifies the lower-boundary address or reconfigure the kernel to allow larger shared-memory segments. For a description of the operating-system kernel parameter, refer to Shared-Memory Lower-Boundary Address.

Figure 36. Shared-Memory Lower-Boundary Address Overview
begin figure description - This figure is described in the surrounding text. - end figure description
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