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A page is the physical unit of disk storage that the database server uses to read from and write to Informix databases. Figure 53 illustrates the concept of a page, represented by a darkened sector of a disk platter.

Figure 53. A Page on Disk
begin figure description - This figure is described in the surrounding text. - end figure description

The default page size is 4 kilobytes. Use the PAGESIZE parameter to configure a page size of 2, 4, or 8 kilobytes. For more information on PAGESIZE, see Configuring the Database Server Page Size and the chapter on configuration parameters in the IBM Informix: Administrator's Reference.

A chunk contains a certain number of pages, as Figure 54 illustrates. A page is always entirely contained within a chunk; that is, a page cannot cross chunk boundaries.

For information on how the database server structures data within a page, see the chapter on disk structures and storage in the IBM Informix: Administrator's Reference.

Figure 54. A Chunk, Logically Separated into a Series of Pages
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