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Increasing the Maximum Number of Dbspaces, Chunks, or Dbslices

In Version 8.2, the CONFIGSIZE configuration parameter determined the maximum number of dbspaces, chunks, and dbslices. In Version 8.3, use the MAX_DBSPACES, MAX_CHUNKS, and MAX_DBSLICES configuration parameters to increase the maximum number of dbspaces, chunks, or dbslices that the database server can maintain. You can increase the maximum number of dbspaces, chunks, or dbslices from the number that CONFIGSIZE specified up to the new maximums listed below.

Storage Space Old Maximum (with CONFIGSIZE=LARGE) Current Maximum Number
dbslices 512 2047
dbspaces 8192 32767
chunks 8192 32767

Like CONFIGSIZE, these MAX* parameters take effect at shared memory initialization.

The database server ignores these MAX* parameters if their values are smaller than the values that are set by CONFIGSIZE. The database server also ignores their values if they are smaller than the maximum previously set by CONFIGSIZE. Once you successfully increase the maximum number of dbspaces, chunks, or dbslices, you cannot reduce it (without reinitializing the database server). If the value of the parameter is greater than the new maximum number listed above, the database server uses the new maximum number instead.

Recovering from Errors

If the database server fails to expand the structures, the following message appears in the online message log, and the database server halts:

error:  Insufficient available disk in the root dbspace to
 increase the entire Configuration save area.

If this error occurs, you must reset CONFIGSIZE, MAX_CHUNKS, MAX_DBSPACES, or MAX_DBSLICES to a lower value and restart the database server. For more information, see the chapter on the configuration parameters in the IBM Informix: Administrator's Reference.

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