You can use the following tools to monitor the load of simple large objects and other data from named pipes:
To obtain the information that Figure 85 shows, you can issue the SET EXPLAIN ON statement prior to the INSERT statement to load a simple large object:
XMP Query Plan oper segid brid width -------------------------- xlread 2 0 2 xlcnv 2 0 2 insert 1 0 1 XMP Query Statistics type segid brid information -------------------------------- xlread 2 0 inst cosvr time rows_read rows_rej ---- ----- ---- --------- -------- 0 2 8 23 0 1 1 9 23 0 -------------------------------------- 2 46 0 xlcnv 2 0 inst cosvr time rows_converted rows_rej ---- ----- ---- ------------- -------- 0 2 8 20004 0 1 1 9 20004 0 -------------------------------------- 2 40008 0 insert 1 0 inst cosvr time it_count ---- ----- ---- -------- 0 1 8 40008 --------------------------- 1 40008
While the INSERT statement is executing to load simple large objects, you can use the onstat -g xqs command to display the following statistics:
Because the onstat -g xqs command gathers statistics periodically, the output might not be accurate. For more information on interpreting the statistics, see your IBM Informix: Performance Guide. Figure 86 shows sample output for onstat -g xqs that is similar to the SET EXPLAIN output in Figure 85.
type segid brid information ---- ---- ---- ----------- xlread 2 0 inst cosvr time rows_read rows_rej ---- ----- ---- --------- -------- 0 2 4 16 0 1 2 5 14 0 ----------------------------------- 2 30 0 insert 1 0 inst cosvr time it_count ---- ----- ---- -------- 1 2 4 15 ------------------------- 2 15