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Monitoring Log-Backup Status

To monitor the status of the logs and to see which logs have been backed up, use the onstat -l command. A status flag of B indicates that the log has been backed up.

To monitor the status of the logs on different coservers, use the xctl onstat -l command-line utility. This command allows you to see the status of every log file on every coserver.

To monitor the backup status of both logs and dbspaces, execute the onstat -g bus option. Figure 88 shows sample output.

Figure 88. xctl onstat -g bus Output
Backup scheduler sessions 

Session "Log backup 1" state SUSPENDED error 0
Session "Log backup 2" state SUSPENDED error 0
    LOG(log.2.11) BACKUP,RUNNING
Session "leia_tli24062" state WAITING error 0
    LOG(log.2.11) BACKUP,RUNNING
    LOG(log.1.16) BACKUP,READY

The Backup Scheduler schedules backup and restore sessions. In Figure 88, ON-Bar is backing up logical log, log.2.11. The 2 in the log name refers to the coserver number and 11 refers to the logid. The other logical log, log.1.16 on coserver 1, is ready to be backed up. Session leia_tli24062 is the name of the backup session.

The suspended log backup sessions mean that LOG_BACKUP_MODE is set to MANUAL or that the user turned off continuous logical-log backup. When a logical log fills, it is ready to be backed up. The Backup Scheduler places it in the queue until the user starts a backup. For more information on LOG_BACKUP_MODE, see the IBM Informix: Backup and Restore Guide and the chapter on configuration parameters in the IBM Informix: Administrator's Reference.

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