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Monitoring and Tuning the SQL Statement Cache

You can monitor and tune various characteristics of the SQL statement cache. The following table shows the tools you can use to monitor the different characteristics. ISA uses information that the following onstat command-line options generate to display information about the SQL statement cache. Click the Refresh button to rerun the onstat command and display fresh information.

SSC Characteristic to
Select on ISA Displays the Output of See
Number of times statements are read from the cache Performance > Cache
> Statement Cache
onstat -g ssc
onstat -g ssc all
Number of SQL Statement Executions
Size of the SQL statement cache Performance > Cache
Statement Cache
onstat -g ssc
onstat -g ssc all
Monitoring and Tuning the Size of the SQL Statement Cache
Amount of memory used Performance > Cache
Statement Cache
onstat -g ssc
onstat -g ssc all
Memory Limit and Size
Usage of the SQL statement cache pools Performance > Locks
onstat -g spi Multiple SQL Statement Cache Pools

Number of SQL Statement Executions

When the SQL statement cache is enabled, the database server inserts a qualified SQL statement and its memory structures immediately in the SQL statement cache by default. If your workload has a disproportionate number of ad hoc queries, use the STMT_CACHE_HITS configuration parameter to specify the number of times an SQL statement is executed before the database server places a fully cached entry in the statement cache.

When the STMT_CACHE_HITS configuration parameter is greater than 0 and the number of times the SQL statement has been executed is less than STMT_CACHE_HITS, the database server inserts key-only entries in the cache. This specification minimizes unshared memory structures from occupying the statement cache, which leaves more memory for SQL statements that applications use often.

Monitor the number of hits on the SQL statement cache to determine if your workload is using this cache effectively. The following sections describe ways to monitor the SQL statement cache hits.

Using onstat -g ssc to Monitor the Number of Hits on the SSC

The onstat -g ssc option displays fully cached entries in the SQL statement cache. Figure 12 shows sample output for onstat -g ssc.

Figure 12. onstat -g ssc Output
onstat -g ssc

Statement Cache Summary:
#lrus   currsize  maxsize   Poolsize   #hits    nolimit
4       49456     524288    57344      0        1

Statement Cache Entries:

lru hash ref_cnt  hits  flag heap_ptr      database           user
----------------- ---- --------------------------------------------------------
  0  153       0     0    -F  a7e4690      vjp_stores         virginia
  SELECT * FROM customer, orders
    WHERE customer.customer_num = orders.customer_num
     AND order_date > "01/01/97" 

  1  259       0     0     -F  aa58c20     vjp_stores         virginia
  SELECT * FROM customer, orders
    WHERE customer.customer_num = orders.customer_num
     AND order_date > "01/01/1997" 

  2  232       0     1     DF  aa3d020     vjp_stores         virginia
  SELECT C.customer_num, O.order_num
    FROM customer C, orders O, items I
    WHERE C.customer_num = O.customer_num
     AND O.order_num = I.order_num 

  3  232       1     1     -F  aa8b020     vjp_stores         virginia
  SELECT C.customer_num, O.order_num
    FROM customer C, orders O, items I
    WHERE C.customer_num = O.customer_num
    AND O.order_num = I.order_num

    Total number of entries: 4.
The onstat -g ssc option is equivalent to the onstat -g cac stmt option in Version 9.2. You can still issue the onstat -g cac stmt option in this version of the database server, and it displays the same columns as onstat -g ssc.

To monitor the number of times that the database server reads the SQL statement within the cache, look at the following output columns:

For a complete description of the output fields that onstat -g ssc displays, see Output Descriptions of onstat Options for SQL Statement Cache.

Using onstat -g ssc all

Use the onstat -g ssc all option to determine how many nonshared entries exist in the cache. The onstat -g ssc all option displays the key-only entries in addition to the fully cached entries in the SQL statement cache.

To determine how many nonshared entries exist in the cache
  1. Compare the onstat -g ssc all output with the onstat -g ssc output.
  2. If the difference between these two outputs shows that many nonshared entries exist in the SQL statement cache, increase the value of the STMT_CACHE_HITS configuration parameter to allow more shared statements to reside in the cache and reduce the management overhead of the SQL statement cache.

You can use one of the following methods to change the STMT_CACHE_HITS parameter value:

Monitoring and Tuning the Size of the SQL Statement Cache

If the size of the SQL statement cache is too small, the following performance problems can occur:

You can set the size of the SQL statement cache in memory with the STMT_CACHE_SIZE configuration parameter. The value of the parameter is the size in kilobytes. If STMT_CACHE_SIZE is not set, the default value is 512 kilobytes.

The onstat -g ssc output shows the value of STMT_CACHE_SIZE in the maxsize column. In Figure 12, this maxsize column has a value of 524288, which is the default value (512 * 1024 = 524288).

Use the onstat -g ssc and onstat -g ssc all options to monitor the effectiveness of size of the SQL statement cache. If you do not see cache entries for the SQL statements that applications use most, the SQL statement cache might be too small or too many unshared SQL statement occupy the cache. The following sections describe how to determine these situations.

Changing the Size of the SQL Statement Cache

Look at the values in the following output columns in the "Statement Cache Entries" portion of the onstat -g ssc all output.

If you do not see fully cached entries for statements that applications use most and the value in the hits column is large for the entries that do occupy the cache, then the SQL statement cache is too small.

You can use one of the following methods to change the STMT_CACHE_SIZE parameter value:

Too Many Single-use Queries in the SQL Statement Cache

When the database server places many queries that are only used once in the cache, they might replace statements that other applications use often.

Look at the values in the following output columns in the Statement Cache Entries portion of the onstat -g ssc all output. If you see a lot of entries that have both of the following values, too many unshared SQL statements occupy the cache:

Increase the value of the STMT_CACHE_HITS configuration parameter to prevent unshared SQL statements from being fully cached. For information on how to change the STMT_CACHE_HITS configuration parameter, see Number of SQL Statement Executions.

Memory Limit and Size

Although the database server tries to clean the SQL statement cache, sometimes entries cannot be removed because they are currently in use. In this case, the size of the SQL statement cache can exceed the value of STMT_CACHE_SIZE.

The default value of the STMT_CACHE_NOLIMIT configuration parameter is 1, which means the database server inserts the statement even though the current size of the cache might be greater than the value of the STMT_CACHE_SIZE parameter.

If the value of the STMT_CACHE_NOLIMIT configuration parameter is 0, the database server does not insert either a fully-qualified or key-only entry into the SQL statement cache if the size will exceed the value of STMT_CACHE_SIZE.

Use the onstat -g ssc option to monitor the current size of the SQL statement cache. Look at the values in the following output columns of the onstat -g ssc output:

When the SQL statement cache is full and users are currently executing all statements within it, any new SQL statements that a user executes can cause the SQL statement cache to grow beyond the size that STMT_CACHE_SIZE specifies. Once the database server is no longer using an SQL statement within the SQL statement cache, it frees memory in the SQL statement cache until the size reaches a threshold of STMT_CACHE_SIZE. However, if thousands of concurrent users are executing several ad hoc queries, the SQL statement cache can grow very large before any statements are removed. In such cases, take one of the following actions:

You can use one of the following methods to change the STMT_CACHE_NOLIMIT parameter value:

Multiple SQL Statement Cache Pools

When the SQL statement cache is enabled, the database server allocates memory from one pool (by default) for the query structures in the following situations:

This one pool can become a bottleneck as the number of users increases. The STMT_CACHE_NUMPOOL configuration parameter allows you to configure multiple sscpools.

You can monitor the pools in the SQL statement cache to determine the following situations:

Number of SQL Statement Cache Pools

When the SQL statement cache is enabled, the database server allocates memory from an sscpool for unlinked SQL statements. The default value for the STMT_CACHE_NUMPOOL configuration parameter is 1. As the number of users increases, this one sscpool might become a bottleneck. (The number of longspins on the sscpool indicates whether or not the sscpool is a bottleneck.)

Use the onstat -g spi option to monitor the number of longspins on an sscpool. The onstat -g spi command displays a list of the resources in the system for which a wait was required before a latch on the resource could be obtained. During the wait, the thread spins (or loops), trying to acquire the resource. The onstat -g spi output displays the number of times a wait (Num Waits column) was required for the resource and the number of total loops (Num Loops column). The onstat -g spi output displays only resources that have at least one wait.

Figure 13 shows an excerpt of sample output for onstat -g spi. Figure 13 indicates that no waits occurred for any sscpool (the Name column does not list any sscpools).

Figure 13. onstat -g spi Output
Spin locks with waits:
Num Waits   Num Loops   Avg Loop/Wait    Name
34477       387761      11.25            mtcb sleeping_lock
312         10205       32.71            mtcb vproc_list_lock

If you see an excessive number of longspins (Num Loops column) on an sscpool, increase the number of sscpools in the STMT_CACHE_NUMPOOL configuration parameter to improve performance.

Size of SQL Statement Cache Pools and Current Cache Size

Use the onstat -g ssc pool option to monitor the usage of each SQL statement cache pool. The onstat -g ssc pool command displays the size of each pool. The onstat -g ssc option displays the cumulative size of the SQL statement cache in the currsize column. This current size is the size of memory allocated from the sscpools by the statements that are inserted into the cache. Because not all statements that allocate memory from the sscpools are inserted into the cache, the current cache size could be smaller than the total size of the sscpools. Normally, the total size of all sscpools does not exceed the STMT_CACHE_SIZE value.

Figure 14 shows sample output for onstat -g ssc pool.

Figure 14. onstat -g ssc pool Output
onstat -g ssc pool

Pool Summary:
name         class addr     totalsize freesize #allocfrag #freefrag
sscpool0     V     a7e4020  57344      2352     52         7

Blkpool Summary:
name         class addr     size      #blks

The Pool Summary section of the onstat -g ssc pool output lists the following information for each pool in the cache.

The name of the sscpool
The shared-memory segment type in which the pool has been created. For sscpools, this value is always "V" for the virtual portion of shared-memory.
The shared-memory address of the SSC pool structure
The total size, in bytes, of this SSC pool
The number of free bytes in this SSC pool
The number of contiguous areas of memory in this sscpool that are allocated
The number of contiguous areas of memory that are not used in this SSC pool

The Blkpool Summary section of the onstat -g ssc pool output lists the following information for all pools in the cache.

The name of the sscpool
The shared-memory segment type in which the pool has been created. For sscpools, this value is always "V" for the virtual portion of shared-memory.
The shared-memory address of the SSC pool structure
The total size, in bytes, of all pools in the SSC
The number of 8-kilobyte blocks that make up all the SSC pools

Output Descriptions of onstat Options for SQL Statement Cache

The onstat -g ssc option lists the following summary information for the SQL statement cache.

The number of LRU queues. Multiple LRU queues facilitate concurrent lookup and insertion of cache entries.
The number of bytes currently allocated to entries in the SQL statement cache
The number of bytes specified in the STMT_CACHE_SIZE configuration parameter
The cumulative number of bytes for all pools in the SQL statement cache. Use the onstat -g ssc pool option to monitor individual pool usage.
Current setting of the STMT_CACHE_HITS configuration parameter, which specifies the number of times that a query is executed before it is inserted into the cache
Current setting of STMT_CACHE_NOLIMIT configuration parameter

The onstat -g ssc option lists the following information for each fully cached entry in the cache. The onstat -g ssc all option lists the following information for both the fully cached entries and key-only entries.

The LRU identifier
Hash-bucket identifier
Number of sessions currently using this statement
Number of times that users read the query from the cache (excluding the first time the statement entered the cache)
The flag codes for position 1:


Indicates that the statement has been dropped

A statement in the cache can be dropped (not used any more) when one of its dependencies has changed. For example, when you run UPDATE STATISTICS for the table, the optimizer statistics might change, making the query plan for the SQL statement in the cache obsolete. In this case, the database server marks the statement as dropped the next time that it tries to use it.


Indicates that the statement has not been dropped

The flag codes for position 2:


Indicates that the cache entry is fully cached and contains the memory structures for the query


Indicates that the statement is not fully cached

A statement is not fully cached when the number of times the statement has been executed is less than the value of the STMT_CACHE_HITS configuration parameter. Entries with this - value in the second position appear in the onstat -g ssc all but not in the onstat -g ssc output.

Pointer to the associated heap for the statement
Database against which the SQL statement is executed
User executing the SQL statement
Statement text as it would be used to test for a match
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