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Consider Mirroring for Critical Data Components

Consider mirroring for the dbspaces that contain critical data. Mirroring these dbspaces ensures that the database server can continue to operate even when a single disk fails. However, depending on the mix of I/O requests for a given dbspace, a trade-off exists between the fault tolerance of mirroring and I/O performance. You obtain a marked performance advantage when you mirror dbspaces that have a read-intensive usage pattern and a slight performance disadvantage when you mirror write-intensive dbspaces.

When mirroring is in effect, two disks are available to handle read requests, and the database server can process a higher volume of those requests. However, each write request requires two physical write operations and does not complete until both physical operations are performed. The write operations are performed in parallel, but the request does not complete until the slower of the two disks performs the update. Thus, you experience a slight performance penalty when you mirror write-intensive dbspaces.

Mirroring the Root Dbspace

You can achieve a certain degree of fault tolerance with a minimum performance penalty if you mirror the root dbspace and restrict its contents to read-only or seldom-accessed tables. When you place update-intensive tables in other, nonmirrored dbspaces, you can use the database server backup-and-restore facilities to perform warm restores of those tables in the event of a disk failure. When the root dbspace is mirrored, the database server remains online to service other transactions while the failed disk is being repaired.

When you mirror the root dbspace, always place the first chunk on a different device than that of the mirror. The MIRRORPATH configuration parameter should have a different value than ROOTPATH.

Mirroring Smart-Large-Object Chunks

An sbspace is a logical storage unit composed of one or more chunks that store smart large objects, which consist of CLOB (character large object) or BLOB (binary large object) data. For a more detailed description of sbspaces, see your IBM Informix: Administrator's Guide.

The first chunk of an sbspace contains a special set of pages, called metadata, which is used to locate smart large objects in the sbspace. Additional chunks that are added to the sbspace can also have metadata pages if you specify them on the onspaces command when you create the chunk.

Consider mirroring chunks that contain metadata pages for the following reasons:

Mirroring the Logical Log

The logical log is write intensive. If the dbspace that contains the logical-log files is mirrored, you encounter the slight double-write performance penalty noted in Consider Mirroring for Critical Data Components. However, you can adjust the rate at which logging generates I/O requests to a certain extent by choosing an appropriate log buffer size and logging mode.

With unbuffered and ANSI-compliant logging, the database server requests a flush of the log buffer to disk for every committed transaction (two when the dbspace is mirrored). Buffered logging generates far fewer I/O requests than unbuffered or ANSI-compliant logging.

With buffered logging, the log buffer is written to disk only when it fills and all the transactions that it contains are completed. You can reduce the frequency of logical-log I/O even more if you increase the size of your logical-log buffers. However, buffered logging leaves transactions in any partially filled buffers vulnerable to loss in the event of a system failure.

Although database consistency is guaranteed under buffered logging, specific transactions are not guaranteed against a failure. The larger the logical-log buffers, the more transactions you might need to reenter when service is restored after a failure.

Unlike the physical log, you cannot specify an alternative dbspace for logical-log files in your initial database server configuration. Instead, use the onparams utility first to add logical-log files to an alternative dbspace and then drop logical-log files from the root dbspace. For more information about onparams, see the IBM Informix: Dynamic Server Administrator's Reference.

Mirroring the Physical Log

The physical log is write intensive, with activity occurring at checkpoints and when buffered data pages are flushed. I/O to the physical log also occurs when a page-cleaner thread is activated. If the dbspace that contains the physical log is mirrored, you encounter the slight double-write performance penalty noted under Consider Mirroring for Critical Data Components.

To keep I/O to the physical log at a minimum, you can adjust the checkpoint interval and the LRU minimum and maximum thresholds. (See CKPTINTVL and BUFFERPOOL.)

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