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Monitoring Sbspaces

For better I/O performance, the entire smart large objects should be allocated in one extent to be contiguous. For more information about sizing extents, see Sbspace Extent Sizes.

Contiguity provides the following I/O performance benefits:

You can use the following command-line utilities to monitor the effectiveness of I/O operations on smart large objects:

The following sections describe how to use these utility options to monitor sbspaces. For more information about oncheck and onstat, see the utilities chapter in the IBM Informix: Dynamic Server Administrator's Reference.

Using oncheck -cS

The oncheck -cS option checks smart-large-object extents and the sbspace partitions in the user-data area. Figure 24 shows an example of the output from the -cS option for s9_sbspc.

The values in the Sbs#, Chk#, and Seq# columns correspond to the Space Chunk Page value in the -pS output. The Bytes and Pages columns display the size of each smart large object in bytes and pages.

To calculate the average size of smart large objects, you can total the numbers in the Size (Bytes) column and then divide by the number of smart large objects. In Figure 24, the average number of bytes allocated is 2690, as the following calculation shows:

Average size in bytes = (15736 + 98 + 97 + 62 + 87 + 56) / 6 
                    = 16136 / 6
                    = 2689.3

For information on how to specify smart large object sizes to influence extent sizes, see Sbspace Extent Sizes.

Figure 24. oncheck -cS Output
Validating space 's9_sbspc' ...

Large Objects
  ID               Ref Size       Allocced       Creat   Last
  Sbs# Chk#  Seq#  Cnt    (Bytes)    Pages Extns Flags   Modified
  ---- ---- ----- ---- ---------- -------- ----- ----- ------------------------
     2    2     1    1      15736        8     1 N-N-H Thu Jun 25 16:59:12 1998
     2    2     2    1         98        1     1 N-K-H Thu Jun 25 16:59:12 1998
     2    2     3    1         97        1     1 N-K-H Thu Jun 25 16:59:12 1998
     2    2     4    1         62        1     1 N-K-H Thu Jun 25 16:59:12 1998
     2    2     5    1         87        1     1 N-K-H Thu Jun 25 16:59:12 1998
     2    2     6    1         56        1     1 N-K-H Thu Jun 25 16:59:12 1998

The Extns field shows the minimum extent size, in number of pages, allocated to each smart large object.

Using oncheck -pe

Execute oncheck -pe to display the following information to determine if the smart large objects occupy contiguous space within an sbspace:

The oncheck -pe option provides information about sbspace use in terms of database server pages, not sbpages.

Figure 25 shows sample output. In this example, the size field shows that the first smart large object occupies eight pages. Because the offset field shows that the first smart large object starts at page 53 and the second smart large object starts at page 61, the first smart large object occupies contiguous pages.

Figure 25. oncheck -pe Output That Shows Contiguous Space Use
Chunk Pathname                                      Size      Used      Free
                                                    1000       940        60

    Description                                          Offset     Size
    -------------------------------------------------- -------- --------
    RESERVED PAGES                                            0        2
    CHUNK FREELIST PAGE                                       2        1
    s9_sbspc:'informix'.TBLSpace                              3       50
    SBLOBSpace LO [2,2,1]                                    53        8
    SBLOBSpace LO [2,2,2]                                    61        1
    SBLOBSpace LO [2,2,3]                                    62        1
    SBLOBSpace LO [2,2,4]                                    63        1
    SBLOBSpace LO [2,2,5]                                    64        1
    SBLOBSpace LO [2,2,6]                                    65        1

Using oncheck -pS

The oncheck -pS option displays information about smart-large-object extents and metadata areas in sbspace partitions. If you do not specify an sbspace name on the command line, oncheck checks and displays the metadata for all sbspaces. Figure 26 shows an example of the -pS output for s9_sbspc.

To display information about smart large objects, execute the following command:

oncheck -pS spacename

The oncheck -pS output displays the following information for each smart large object in the sbspace:

When you use onspaces -c -S to create an sbspace, you can use the -Df option to specify various storage characteristics for the smart large objects. You can use onspaces -ch to change attributes after the sbspace is created. The Create Flags field in the oncheck -pS output displays these storage characteristics and other attributes of each smart large object. In Figure 26, the Create Flags field shows LO_LOG because the LOGGING tag was set to ON in the -Df option.

Figure 26. oncheck -pS Output
Space Chunk Page = [2,2,2] Object ID = 987122917
  LO SW Version             4 
  LO Object Version         1 
  Created by Txid           7 
  Data Type                 0 
  Extent Size               -1 
  IO Size                   0 
  Created                   Thu Apr 12 17:48:35 2001 
  Last Time Modified        Thu Apr 12 17:48:43 2001 
  Last Time Accessed        Thu Apr 12 17:48:43 2001 
  Last Time Attributes Modified Thu Apr 12 17:48:43 2001 
  Ref Count                 1 
  Status Flags              0x0 LO_FROM_SERVER 
  Size (Bytes)              2048 
  Size Limit                -1 
  Total Estimated Size      -1 
  Deleting TxId             -1 
  LO Map Size               200 
  LO Map Last Row           -1 
  LO Map Extents            2 
  LO Map User Pages         2 

Using onstat -g smb

Use the onstat -g smb s option to display the following characteristics that affect the I/O performance of each sbspace:

Figure 27. onstat -g smb s Output
sbnum 7    address 2afae48 
  Space    : flags    nchk owner    sbname 
             -------- 1    informix client 

  LO     : ud b/pg flags   flags    avg s/kb max lcks 
           2048    0       -------- 30       -1 
  Ext/IO : 1st sz/p nxt sz/p min sz/p mx io sz 
           4        0        0        -1 

  HdrCache : max   free 
             512   0 
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