When you create a table, you can specify extent sizes for the following storage spaces:
When you create a table, you can specify the size of the first extent as well as the size of the extents to be added as the table grows. The following example creates a table with a 512-kilobyte initial extent and 100-kilobyte added extents:
CREATE TABLE big_one (...column specifications...) IN big_space EXTENT SIZE 512 NEXT SIZE 100
The default value for the extent size and the next-extent size is eight times the disk page size on your system. For example, if you have a 2-kilobyte page, the default length is 16 kilobytes.
To change the size of extents to be added, use the ALTER TABLE statement. This change does not affect extents that already exist. The following example changes the next-extent size of the table to 50 kilobytes:
The next-extent sizes of the following kinds of tables do not affect performance significantly:
When you assign an extent size to these kinds of tables, the only consideration is to avoid creating large numbers of extents. A large number of extents causes the database server to spend extra time finding the data. In addition, an upper limit exists on the number of extents allowed. (Considering the Upper Limit on Extents covers this topic.)
No upper limit exists on extent sizes except the size of the chunk. The maximum size for a chunk is 4 terabytes. When you know the final size of a table (or can confidently predict it within 25 percent), allocate all its space in the initial extent. When tables grow steadily to unknown size, assign them next-extent sizes that let them share the dbspace with a small number of extents each. The following steps outline one possible approach.
For example, you might divide the dbspace among three tables in the ratio 0.4: 0.2: 0.3 (reserving 10 percent for small tables and overhead).
As the dbspace fills up, you might not have enough contiguous space to create an extent of the specified size. In this case, the database server allocates the largest contiguous extent that it can.
When you fragment an existing table, you might want to adjust the next-extent size because each fragment requires less space than the original, unfragmented table. If the unfragmented table was defined with a large next-extent size, the database server uses that same size for the next-extent on each fragment, which results in over-allocation of disk space. Each fragment requires only a proportion of the space for the entire table.
For example, if you fragment the preceding big_one sample table across five disks, you can alter the next-extent size to one-fifth the original size. For more information about the ALTER FRAGMENT statement, see the IBM Informix: Guide to SQL Syntax. The following example changes the next-extent size to one-fifth of the original size:
When you create a table, it is recommended that you use one of the following extent sizes for smart large objects in the sbspace:
For more information on the DataBlade API functions to open a smart large object and set the estimated number of bytes, see the IBM Informix: DataBlade API Programmer's Guide.
For more information on the ESQL/C functions to open a smart large object and set the estimated number of bytes, see the IBM Informix: ESQL/C Programmer's Manual.
For more information about sizing extents, see Sbspace Extent Sizes. For more information, see Monitoring Sbspaces.
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