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Monitoring Deadlocks

A deadlock occurs when two users hold locks, and each user wants to acquire a lock that the other user owns.

For example, user joe holds a lock on row 10. User jane holds a lock on row 20. Suppose that jane wants to place a lock on row 10, and joe wants to place a lock on row 20. If both users execute SET LOCK MODE TO WAIT, they potentially might wait for each other forever.

Informix uses the lock table to detect deadlocks automatically and stop them before they occur. Before a lock is granted, the database server examines the lock list for each user. If a user holds a lock on the resource that the requestor wants to lock, the database server traverses the lock wait list for the user to see if the user is waiting for any locks that the requestor holds. If so, the requestor receives a deadlock error.

Deadlock errors can be unavoidable when applications update the same rows frequently. However, certain applications might always be in contention with each other. Examine applications that are producing a large number of deadlocks and try to run them at different times. To monitor the number of deadlocks, use the deadlks field in the output of onstat -p.

In a distributed transaction, the database server does not examine lock tables from other database server systems, so deadlocks cannot be detected before they occur. Instead, you can set the DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT configuration parameter. DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT specifies the number of seconds that the database server waits for a remote database server response before it returns an error. Although reasons other than a distributed deadlock might cause the delay, this mechanism keeps a transaction from hanging indefinitely.

To monitor the number of distributed deadlock timeouts, use the dltouts field in the onstat -p output.

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