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In This Chapter
Lock Granularity
Row and Key Locks
Advantages and Disadvantages of Row and Key Locks
Key-Value Locks
Page Locks
Table Locks
Database Locks
Configuring Lock Mode
Lock Waits
Locks with the SELECT Statement
Isolation Level
Dirty Read Isolation
Committed Read Isolation
Cursor Stability Isolation
Repeatable Read Isolation
Locking Nonlogging Tables
Update Cursors
Locks Placed with INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE
Monitoring and Administering Locks
Monitoring Locks
Configuring and Monitoring the Number of Locks
Monitoring Lock Waits and Lock Errors
Monitoring Deadlocks
Monitoring Isolation That Sessions Use
Locks for Smart Large Objects
Types of Locks on Smart Large Objects
Byte-Range Locking
How the Database Server Manages Byte-Range Locks
Using Byte-Range Locks
Monitoring Byte-Range Locks
Setting Number of Locks for Byte-Range Locking
Lock Promotion
Dirty Read and Smart Large Objects
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