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Lock Promotion

The database server uses lock promotion to decrease the total number of locks held on smart large objects. Too many locks can result in poorer performance because the database server frequently searches the lock table to determine if a lock exists on an object.

If the number of locks held by a transaction exceeds 33 percent of the current number of allocated locks for the database server, the database server attempts to promote any existing byte-range locks to a single lock on the smart large object.

If the number of locks that a user holds on a smart large objects (not on byte ranges of smart large objects) equals or exceeds 10 percent of the current capacity of the lock table, the database server attempts to promote all of the smart-large-object locks to one lock on the smart-large-object header partition. This kind of lock promotion improves performance for applications that are updating, loading, or deleting a large number of smart large objects. For example, a transaction that deletes millions of smart large objects would consume the entire lock table if the database server did not use lock promotion. The lock promotion algorithm has deadlock avoidance built in.

You can identify a smart-large-object header partition in onstat -k by 0 in the rowid column and a tablespace number with a high-order first byte-and-a-half that corresponds to the dbspace number where the smart large object is stored. For example, if the tblspace number is listed as 0x200004 (the high-order zeros are truncated), the dbspace number 2 corresponds to the dbspace number listed in onstat -d.

Even if the database server attempts to promote a lock, it might not be able to do so. For example, the database server might not be able to promote byte-range locks to one smart-large-object lock because other users have byte-range locks on the same smart large object. If the database server cannot promote a byte-range lock, it does not change the lock, and processing continues as normal.

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