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Using the onstat Utility

You can use various onstat utility commands to determine how many threads are active and the shared-memory resources that those threads use.

Monitoring MGM Resources

You can use the onstat -g mgm option to monitor how MGM coordinates memory use and scan threads. The onstat utility reads shared-memory structures and provides statistics that are accurate at the instant that the command executes.

Figure 65 shows sample output.

The onstat -g mgm output displays a unit of memory called a quantum. The memory quantum represents a unit of memory, as follows:


The following calculation shows the memory quantum for the values that Figure 65 displays:

memory quantum = 4000 kilobytes / 5 
                = 800 kilobytes

The scan thread quantum is always equal to 1.

Figure 65. onstat -g mgm Output
Memory Grant Manager (MGM)

DS_MAX_SCANS:      10

Queries:   Active     Ready   Maximum
                3         0         5

Memory:     Total      Free   Quantum
(KB)         4000      3872       800

Scans:      Total      Free   Quantum
               10         8         1

Load Control:    (Memory)      (Scans)  (Priority)  (Max Queries)   (Reinit)
                   Gate 1       Gate 2      Gate 3         Gate 4     Gate 5
(Queue Length)          0            0           0              0          0

Active Queries:
Session   Query  Priority  Thread   Memory  Scans      Gate
      7  a3d0c0      1     a8adcc    0/0       1/1       -
      7  a56eb0      1     ae6800    0/0       1/1       -
      9  a751d4      0     96b1b8   16/16      0/0       -

Ready Queries:  None

Free Resource        Average #        Minimum #
--------------    ---------------     ---------
Memory             489.2 +- 28.7          400
Scans                8.5 +- 0.5             8

Queries              Average #        Maximum #    Total #
--------------    ---------------     ---------    -------
Active               1.7 +- 0.7             3         23
Ready                0.0 +- 0.0             0          0

Resource/Lock Cycle Prevention count:  0
Explanation of the Sample onstat -g mgm Output

The first portion of the output shows the values of the PDQ configuration parameters.

The second portion of the output describes MGM internal control information. It includes four groups of information.

The first group is Queries. The group contains this information:

Column Description
Active Number of PDQ queries that are currently executing
Ready Number of user queries ready to run but whose execution the database server deferred for load-control reasons
Maximum Maximum number of queries that the database server permits to be active. Reflects current value of the DS_MAX_QUERIES configuration parameter

The next group is Memory. The group contains this information:

Column Description
Total Kilobytes of memory available for use by PDQ queries (DS_TOTAL_MEMORY specifies this value.)
Free Kilobytes of memory for PDQ queries not currently in use
Quantum Kilobytes of memory in a memory quantum

The next group is Scans. The group contains this information:

Column Description
Total The total number of scan threads as specified by the DS_MAX_SCANS configuration parameter
Free Number of scan threads currently available for decision-support queries
Quantum The number of scan threads in a scan-thread quantum

The last group in this portion of the output describes MGM Load Control. The group contains this information:

Column Description
Memory Number of queries that are waiting for memory
Scans Number of queries that are waiting for scans
Priority Number of queries that are waiting for queries with higher PDQ priority to run
Max Queries Number of queries that are waiting for a query slot
Reinit Number of queries that are waiting for running queries to complete after an onmode -M or -Q command

The next portion of the output, Active Queries, describes the MGM active and ready queues. This portion of the output shows the number of queries waiting at each gate.

Column Description
Session The session ID for the session that initiated the query
Query Address of the internal control block associated with the query
Priority PDQ priority assigned to the query
Thread Thread that registered the query with MGM
Memory Memory currently granted to the query or memory reserved for the query (Unit is MGM pages, which is 8 kilobytes.)
Scans Number of scan threads currently used by the query or number of scan threads allocated to the query
Gate Gate number at which query is waiting

The next portion of the output, Free Resource, provides statistics for MGM free resources. The numbers in this portion and in the final portion reflect statistics since system initialization or the last onmode -Q, -M, or -S command. This portion of the output contains the following information:

Column Description
Average Average amount of memory and number of scans
Minimum Minimum available memory and number of scans

The last portion of the output, Queries, provides statistics concerning MGM queries:

Column Description
Average Average active and ready queue length
Maximum Maximum active and ready queue length
Total Total active and ready queue length

Monitoring PDQ Threads

To obtain information on all of the threads that are running for a decision-support query, use the onstat -u and onstat -g ath options.

The onstat -u option lists all the threads for a session. If a session is running a decision-support query, the output lists the primary thread and any additional threads. For example, session 10 in Figure 66 has a total of five threads running.

Figure 66. onstat -u Output
address  flags   sessid   user     tty      wait     tout locks nreads   nwrites
80eb8c   ---P--D 0        informix -        0        0    0     33       19
80ef18   ---P--F 0        informix -        0        0    0     0        0
80f2a4   ---P--B 3        informix -        0        0    0     0        0
80f630   ---P--D 0        informix -        0        0    0     0        0
80fd48   ---P--- 45       chrisw   ttyp3    0        0    1     573      237
810460   ------- 10       chrisw   ttyp2    0        0    1     1        0
810b78   ---PR-- 42       chrisw   ttyp3    0        0    1     595      243
810f04   Y------ 10       chrisw   ttyp2    beacf8   0    1     1        0
811290   ---P--- 47       chrisw   ttyp3    0        0    2     585      235
81161c   ---PR-- 46       chrisw   ttyp3    0        0    1     571      239
8119a8   Y------ 10       chrisw   ttyp2    a8a944   0    1     1        0
81244c   ---P--- 43       chrisw   ttyp3    0        0    2     588      230
8127d8   ----R-- 10       chrisw   ttyp2    0        0    1     1        0
812b64   ---P--- 10       chrisw   ttyp2    0        0    1     20       0
812ef0   ---PR-- 44       chrisw   ttyp3    0        0    1     587      227
 15 active, 20 total, 17 maximum concurrent

The onstat -g ath output also lists these threads and includes a name column that indicates the role of the thread. Threads that a primary decision-support thread started have a name that indicates their role in the decision-support query. For example, Figure 67 lists four scan threads, started by a primary thread (sqlexec).

Figure 67. onstat -g ath Output
tid     tcb     rstcb   prty    status                  vp-class   name
11      994060   0        4     sleeping(Forever)         1cpu    kaio
12      994394   80f2a4   2     sleeping(secs: 51)        1cpu    btclean
26      99b11c   80f630   4     ready                     1cpu    onmode_mon
32      a9a294   812b64   2     ready                     1cpu    sqlexec
113     b72a7c   810b78   2     ready                     1cpu    sqlexec
114     b86c8c   81244c   2     cond wait(netnorm)        1cpu    sqlexec
115     b98a7c   812ef0   2     cond wait(netnorm)        1cpu    sqlexec
116     bb4a24   80fd48   2     cond wait(netnorm)        1cpu    sqlexec
117     bc6a24   81161c   2     cond wait(netnorm)        1cpu    sqlexec
118     bd8a24   811290   2     ready                     1cpu    sqlexec
119     beae88   810f04   2     cond wait(await_MC1)      1cpu    scan_1.0
120     a8ab48   8127d8   2     ready                     1cpu    scan_2.0
121     a96850   810460   2     ready                     1cpu    scan_2.1
122     ab6f30   8119a8   2     running                   1cpu    scan_2.2

Monitoring Resources Allocated for a Session

Use the onstat -g ses option to monitor the resources allocated for, and used by, a session that is running a decision-support query. The onstat -g ses option displays the following information:

For example, in Figure 68, session number 49 is running five threads for a decision-support query.

Figure 68. onstat -g ses Output
session                                   #RSAM    total      used
id       user     tty      pid   hostname threads  memory     memory
57       informix -        0     -        0        8192       5908
56       user_3   ttyp3    2318  host_10  1        65536      62404
55       user_3   ttyp3    2316  host_10  1        65536      62416
54       user_3   ttyp3    2320  host_10  1        65536      62416
53       user_3   ttyp3    2317  host_10  1        65536      62416
52       user_3   ttyp3    2319  host_10  1        65536      62416
51       user_3   ttyp3    2321  host_10  1        65536      62416
49       user_1   ttyp2    2308  host_10  5        188416     178936
2        informix -        0     -        0        8192       6780
1        informix -        0     -        0        8192       4796
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