OpenShift Login Recipe

  1. Access the OpenShift web console at https://console-openshift-console.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN_NAME}/.
  2. In the top right, click on your name } Copy Login Command } Display Token } Copy the oc login command
  3. Download the oc executable from your cluster at https://downloads-openshift-console.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN_NAME}/ or from the internet:
    1. x86_64/amd64:
      1. Windows
      2. macOS
      3. Linux
    2. ARMv8/AArch64/M1:
      1. macOS
      2. Linux
      3. Windows
  4. Open a terminal and change directory to where oc is.
  5. Paste and run the oc login command from step 2 above.
  6. Run oc whoami --show-console to confirm everything works.