WAS traditional Diagnostic Trace from Startup Recipe

  1. WAS Administrative Console } Troubleshooting } Logs and Trace } $SERVER } Diagnostic Trace
  2. Set Maximum File Size and Maximum Number of Historical Files as large as the disk allows (multiply the two for maximum usage). At leat 500MB is desirable.
    1. If these values were changed, click Apply
  3. Click Change log detail levels
  4. Replace *=info with the desired diagnostic trace (or set it to *=info to disable trace)
  5. Click OK
  6. Save configuration changes
  7. Synchronize nodes
  8. Restart the JVM
  9. Reproduce the problem
  10. Upload the following files:
    1. WAS/profiles/PROFILE/logs/trace*.log
    2. WAS/profiles/PROFILE/logs/System*.log
    3. WAS/profiles/PROFILE/logs/native*.log
    4. WAS/profiles/PROFILE/ffdc/*