WAS traditional HTTP Access Log Recipe

In general, the WAS traditional HTTP access log has a low overhead of less than 1-2%.

There was a regression in,, and that caused timestamp display issues when using accessLogFormat and it was fixed in APAR PH56229 and subsequent fixpacks.

  1. WAS Administrative Console } Servers } Server Types } Websphere application servers } $SERVER } Web Container Settings } Web container transport chains
  2. Click on each entry that is handling the traffic of interest (most commonly, WCInbound and/or WCInboundSecure) and perform the following steps.
    1. HTTP inbound channel
    2. Check "Enable logging"
    3. Expand "NCSA Access logging"
      1. Check "Use chain-specific logging"
      2. Access log file path = ${SERVER_LOG_ROOT}/http_access.log
      3. Access log maximum size = 500
      4. Maximum Number of historical files = 2
      5. NCSA access log format = Common
    4. Expand "Error logging"
      1. Check "Use chain-specific logging"
      2. Error log file path = ${SERVER_LOG_ROOT}/http_error.log
      3. Error log maximum size = 500
      4. Maximum Number of historical files = 2
    5. Click Apply
    6. Click "Custom properties"
    7. Click New...
      1. Name = accessLogFormat
      2. Value =
        1. WAS 9 or WAS >=
          %h %u %t "%r" %s %b %D %{R}W
        2. WAS <
          %h %u %t "%r" %s %b %D
      3. Click OK
  3. Save configuration changes
  4. Synchronize nodes
  5. Restart the JVM
  6. Reproduce the problem
  7. Upload the following files:
    1. $WAS/profiles/$PROFILE/logs/http*.log
    2. $WAS/profiles/$PROFILE/logs/System*.log
    3. $WAS/profiles/$PROFILE/logs/native*.log
    4. $WAS/profiles/$PROFILE/ffdc/*

For background, see WAS traditional HTTP Access Log.