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Setting up the Lotus Forms Server API workspace

In this lesson, you will add two .jar files to enable the Lotus® Forms Server API to compute some of the values in the Order form automatically.

To add the two .jar files, complete the following steps.
  1. In WebSphere® Integration Developer, select Window > Preferences and expand the list of configurable items by clicking the Expand List icon.
  2. Select Java > BuildPath > Classpath Variables.
    Note: If Java™ does not display as an option, switch to a Java perspective. Select Window > Preferences and switch back to the Business Integration perspective.
  3. Add two variables named FORMS_API and FORMS_API2 as shown in the following figure. These variables point to the location of the .jar files, pe_api.jar and uwi_api.jar. The location of these files depends on how Lotus Forms Server was installed. If Lotus Forms Server was installed into WebSphere Integration Developer, these files are typically located at: <WID62_Install>\API\lib\java. If not, these files are typically located at C:\Windows\PureEdge\76\java\classes.

    Class Path window

  4. Click OK.
Note: The ClipsAndTacksF1 project has some errors at this stage of the tutorial. These errors will be corrected as the tutorial progresses.
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