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Build it yourself

As you complete this tutorial, check your work carefully. Consider working from a printed copy of the documentation so that you can check off each step as you do it.

Before you begin, you must install all items listed in Prerequisite software.

The following artifacts are used in building the application. Refer to Download and import samples for download instructions and copy the files now to a convenient location on your local machine.
The XML schema to be used in WebSphere® Business Modeler.
The Lotus® form used in this tutorial. It is imported in WebSphere Business Modeler.
Web service endpoints to be called by WebSphere Business Services Fabric. These are not really Business Process Management artifacts, but rather external artifacts necessary to run the application.
The Java™ file used to generate notifications. It is the implementation for one of the components in the WebSphere Integration Developer.
The Java file used to check the customer account status. It is the implementation for one of the components in the WebSphere Integration Developer.
A file used by the Dynamic Assembler component in Websphere Integration Developer to extract data from the incoming request and pass it to Websphere Business Services Fabric.
Custom ontology (vocabulary) required for Websphere Business Services Fabric.
WebSphere Business Services Fabric repository project.
An XML schema for the Declined Order event that is monitored in Websphere Business Monitor.
An XML schema for the Order Fulfillment event that is monitored in Websphere Business Monitor.
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