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Simulating the initial shipping policies

In this lesson, you will simulate using the Clips and Tacks policy.

You will use the Business Services perspective of WebSphere® Business Services Fabric in WebSphere Integration Developer to simulate the initial shipping policies and their impact on the Order Handling process. Simulation allows you to run and validate polices and assertions that are part of the initial scenario. The initial scenario is pre-built for this sample and the Clips and Tacks policy is ready for simulation.

The following table represents the Clips and Tacks service-provider endpoint capabilities (assertions) and the use cases for service consumers for the initial scenario. The top row depicts the available service providers, and the left column represents the service consumer use cases. The X represents the service-provider endpoint that is to be selected based on the context, content, and contract of the service consumer's request.

Table 1. Clips and Tacks service-provider endpoint capabilities and use cases
  Internal Shipping Better Shipping International Express
Order Size = SMALL and Order Type = DOMESTIC X    
Order Size = LARGE and Order Type = DOMESTIC   X  
Order Type = INTERNATIONAL     X

The business services policies for the initial Clips and Tacks scenario were created based on this table.

To start the policy usage simulation, complete the following steps:

  1. Logout of Business Space if you have not done so and switch to WebSphere Integration Developer.
  2. Select the Business Service perspective and the Business Service Explorer tab. Expand the Simulation node and double-click Test Verify Shipper Selection.
    Test Verify Shipper Selection
  3. Verify the Simulation values against the screen below and click Run.
    Test Verify Shippers Selection page
    The Simulation Operations panel shows only green check marks and the InternalShippingEndpoint is selected.
    Simulation Operation
    Simulation Operation 2
When the simulation confirms that the correct policy is being selected, it is time to try a runtime test.
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