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Loading Data into the Dimensional Database

An important step when you implement a dimensional database is to develop and document a load strategy. This section shows the LOAD and INSERT statements that you can use to populate the tables of the sales_demo database.

In a live data-warehousing environment, you typically do not use the LOAD or INSERT statements to load large amounts of data to and from Informix databases.

Informix database servers provide different features for high-performance loading and unloading of data.

When you create a database with Extended Parallel Server, you can use external tables to perform high-performance loading and unloading.

For information about high-performance loading, see your IBM Informix: Administrator's Guide or IBM Informix: High-Performance Loader User's Guide.

The following statement loads the time table with data first so that you can use it to determine the time code for each row that is loaded into the sales table:

LOAD FROM 'time.unl' INSERT INTO time

The following statement loads the geography table. Once you load the geography table, you can use the district code data to load the sales table.

INSERT INTO geography(district_name, state_code, state_name)
SELECT DISTINCT c.city, s.code, s.sname
   FROM stores_demo:customer c, stores_demo:state s
      WHERE c.state = s.code

The following statements add the region code to the geography table:

UPDATE geography
   SET region = 1 
   WHERE state_code = 'CA'

UPDATE geography
   SET region = 2
   WHERE state_code <> 'CA'

The following statement loads the customer table:

INSERT INTO customer (customer_code, customer_name, company_name)
SELECT c.customer_num, trim(c.fname) ||' '|| c.lname, c.company 
FROM stores_demo:customer c

The following statement loads the product table:

INSERT INTO product (product_code, product_name, vendor_code,
   vendor_name,product_line_code, product_line_name)
SELECT a.catalog_num, 
   trim(m.manu_name)||' '||s.description,
   m.manu_code, m.manu_name, 
   s.stock_num, s.description
FROM stores_demo:catalog a, stores_demo:manufact m,
   stores_demo:stock s
   WHERE a.stock_num = s.stock_num 
      AND a.manu_code = s.manu_code 
      AND s.manu_code = m.manu_code;

The following statement loads the sales fact table with one row for each product, per customer, per day, per district. The cost from the cost table is used to calculate the total cost (cost * quantity).

INSERT INTO sales (customer_code, district_code, time_code,
   product_code, units_sold, cost, revenue, net_profit)
   c.customer_num, g.district_code, t.time_code,
   p.product_code, SUM(i.quantity), 
   SUM(i.quantity * x.cost), SUM(i.total_price),
   SUM(i.total_price) - SUM(i.quantity * x.cost)
FROM stores_demo:customer c, geography g, time t, 
   product p,stores_demo:items i, 
   stores_demo:orders o, cost x
WHERE c.customer_num = o.customer_num 
   AND o.order_num = i.order_num 
   AND p.product_line_code = i.stock_num
   AND p.vendor_code = i.manu_code
   AND t.order_date = o.order_date   
   AND p.product_code = x.product_code 
   AND c.city = g.district_name
GROUP BY 1,2,3,4;
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