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Mapping Data from Data Sources to the Database

The stores_demo demonstration database is the primary data source for the sales_demo database.

Table 11 shows the relationship between data-warehousing business terms and the data sources. It also shows the data source for each column and table of the sales_demo database.

Table 11. The Relationship Between Data-Warehousing Business Terms and Data Sources
Business Term Data Source Table.Column Name
Sales Fact Table:
product code sales.product_code
customer code sales.customer_code
district code sales.district_code
time code sales.time_code
revenue stores_demo:items.total_price sales.revenue
units sold stores_demo:items.quantity sales.units_sold
cost costs.lst (per unit) sales.cost
net profit calculated: revenue minus cost sales.net_profit
Product Dimension Table:
product stores_demo:catalog.catalog_num product.product_code
product name stores_demo:stock.manu_code and stores_demo:stock.description product.product_name
product line stores_demo:orders.stock_num product.product_line_code
product line name stores_demo:stock.description product.product_line_name
vendor stores_demo:orders.manu_code product.vendor_code
vendor name stores_demo:manufact.manu_name product.vendor_name
Customer Dimension Table:
customer stores_demo:orders.customer_num customer.customer_code
customer name stores_demo:customer.fname plus stores_demo:customer.lname customer.customer_name
company stores_demo:customer.company customer.company_name
Geography Dimension Table:
district code generated geography.district_code
district stores_demo:customer.city geography.district_name
state stores_demo:customer.state geography.state_code
state name stores_demo.state.sname geography.state_name
region derived: If state = "CA" THEN region = 1, ELSE region = 2 geography.region
Time Dimension Table:
time code generated time.time_code
order date stores_demo:orders.order_date time.order_date
month derived from order date generated time.month_name time.month.code
quarter derived from order date generated time.quarter_name time.quarter_code
year derived from order date time.year

Several files with a .unl suffix contain the data that is loaded into the sales_demo database. The files that contain the SQL statements that create and load the database have a .sql suffix.


When your database server runs on UNIX, you can access the *.sql and *.unl files from the directory $INFORMIXDIR/demo/dbaccess.

End of UNIX Only
Windows Only

When your database server runs on Windows, you can access the *.sql and *.unl files from the directory %INFORMIXDIR%\demo\dbaccess.

End of Windows Only
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