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Types of Virtual Processors

Table 11 shows the classes of virtual processors and the types of processing that they do. Each class of virtual processor is dedicated to processing certain types of threads.

Table 11. Virtual-Processor Classes
Category Purpose
CPU Central processing Runs all session threads and some system threads. Runs thread for kernel asynchronous I/O where available. Can run a single poll thread, depending on configuration.
PIO Disk I/O Writes to the physical-log file (internal class) if it is in cooked disk space.
LIO Disk I/O Writes to the logical-log files (internal class) if they are in cooked disk space.
AIO Disk I/O Performs nonlogging disk I/O. If kernel asynchronous I/O is used, AIO virtual processors perform I/O to cooked disk spaces.
SHM Network Performs shared memory communication.
TLI Network Uses the Transport Layer Interface (TLI) to perform network communication.
SOC Network Uses sockets to perform network communication.
OPT Optical Performs I/O to optical disk.
ADM Administrative Performs administrative functions.
FIF FIFO I/O Performs reads and inserts for high performance loading and unloading through FIFO (first-in-first-out) files.
MSC Miscellaneous Services requests for system calls that require a very large stack.
CSM Communications
Support Module
Performs communications support service operations.
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