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Advantages of Virtual Processors

Compared to a database server process that services a single client application, the dynamic, multithreaded nature of a database server virtual processor provides the following advantages:

The following sections describe these advantages.

Sharing Processing

Virtual processors in the same class have identical code and share access to both data and processing queues in memory. Any virtual processor in a class can run any thread that belongs to that class.

Generally, the database server tries to keep a thread running on the same virtual processor because moving it to a different virtual processor can require some data from the memory of the processor to be transferred on the bus. When a thread is waiting to run, however, the database server can migrate the thread to another virtual processor because the benefit of balancing the processing load outweighs the amount of overhead incurred in transferring the data.

Shared processing within a class of virtual processors occurs automatically and is transparent to the database user.

Saving Memory and Resources

The database server is able to service a large number of clients with a small number of server processes compared to architectures that have one client process to one server process. It does so by running a thread, rather than a process, for each client.

Multithreading permits more efficient use of the operating-system resources because threads share the resources allocated to the virtual processor. All threads that a virtual processor runs have the same access to the virtual-processor memory, communication ports, and files. The virtual processor coordinates access to resources by the threads. Individual processes, on the other hand, each have a distinct set of resources, and when multiple processes require access to the same resources, the operating system must coordinate the access.

Generally, a virtual processor can switch from one thread to another faster than the operating system can switch from one process to another. When the operating system switches between processes, it must stop one process from running on the processor, save its current processing state (or context), and start another process. Both processes must enter and exit the operating-system kernel, and the contents of portions of physical memory might need to be replaced. Threads, on the other hand, share the same virtual memory and file descriptors. When a virtual processor switches from one thread to another, the switch is simply from one path of execution to another. The virtual processor, which is a process, continues to run on the CPU without interruption. For a description of how a virtual processor switches from one thread to another, refer to Context Switching.

Processing in Parallel

In the following cases, virtual processors of the CPU class can run multiple session threads, working in parallel, for a single client:

Figure 23 illustrates parallel processing. When a client initiates index building, sorting, or logical recovery, the database server spawns multiple threads to work on the task in parallel, using as much of the computer resources as possible. While one thread is waiting for I/O, another can be working.

Figure 23. Parallel Processing
begin figure description - This figure is described in the surrounding text. - end figure description

Adding and Dropping Virtual Processors in Online Mode

You can add virtual processors to meet increasing demands for service while the database server is running. For example, if the virtual processors of a class become compute bound or I/O bound (meaning that CPU work or I/O requests are accumulating faster than the current number of virtual processors can process them), you can start additional virtual processors for that class to distribute the processing load further.

You can add virtual processors for any of the classes while the database server is running. While the database server is running, you can drop virtual processors of the CPU class.

For information on how to add virtual processors while the database server is in online mode, refer to Adding Virtual Processors in Online Mode.

Binding Virtual Processors to CPUs

Some multiprocessor systems allow you to bind a process to a particular CPU. This feature is called processor affinity.

On multiprocessor computers for which the database server supports processor affinity, you can bind CPU virtual processors to specific CPUs in the computer. When you bind a CPU virtual processor to a CPU, the virtual processor runs exclusively on that CPU. This operation improves the performance of the virtual processor because it reduces the amount of switching between processes that the operating system must do. Binding CPU virtual processors to specific CPUs also enables you to isolate database work on specific processors on the computer, leaving the remaining processors free for other work. Only CPU virtual processors can be bound to CPUs.

For information on how to assign CPU virtual processors to hardware processors, refer to Using Processor Affinity.

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