WebSphere Liberty Recipes

  1. Review the Operating System recipe for your OS. The highlights are to ensure CPU, RAM, network, and disk are not consistently saturated.
  2. Review the Java recipe for your JVM. The highlights are to tune the maximum heap size (-Xmx), the maximum nursery size (-Xmn) and enable verbose garbage collection and review its output with the GCMV tool.
  3. Liberty has a single thread pool where most application work occurs and this pool is auto-tuned based on throughput. In general, it is not recommended to tune nor specify this element; however, if there is a throughput problem or there are physical or virtual memory constraints, test with <executor maxThreads="X" />. If an explicit value is better, consider opening a support case to investigate why the auto-tuning is not optimal.
  4. If receiving HTTP(S) requests:
    1. If using the servlet feature less than version 4, then consider explicitly enabling HTTP/2 with protocolVersion="http/2".
    2. For HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1, avoid client keepalive socket churn by setting maxKeepAliveRequests="-1". This is the new default as of Liberty
    3. For servers with incoming LAN HTTP traffic from clients using persistent TCP connection pools with keep alive (e.g. a reverse proxy like IHS/httpd or web service client), consider increasing persistTimeout to reduce keepalive socket churn.
    4. For HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1, minimize the number of application responses with HTTP codes 400, 402-417, or 500-505 to reduce keepalive socket churn or use HTTP/2.
    5. If using HTTP session database persistence, tune the <httpSessionDatabase /> element.
    6. If possible, configure and use HTTP response caching.
    7. If using TLS, set -DtimeoutValueInSSLClosingHandshake=1.
    8. Consider enabling the HTTP NCSA access log with response times for post-mortem traffic analysis.
    9. If there is available CPU, test enabling HTTP response compression.
    10. If the applications don't use resources in META-INF/resources directories of embedded JAR files, then set <webContainer skipMetaInfResourcesProcessing="true" />.
    11. Consider reducing each HTTP endpoint's tcpOptions maxOpenConnections to the hundreds range to avoid excessive request queuing under stress and test with a saturation test.
  5. If using databases (JDBC):
    1. Connection pools generally should not be consistently saturated. Tune <connectionManager maxPoolSize="X" />.
    2. Consider tuning each connectionManager's numConnectionsPerThreadLocal and purgePolicy, and each dataSource's statementCacheSize and isolationLevel.
    3. Consider disabling idle and aged connection timeouts (and tune any firewalls, TCP keep-alive, and/or database connection timeouts, if needed).
  6. If using JMS MDBs without a message ordering requirement, tune activation specifications' maxConcurrency to control the maximum concurrent MDB invocations and maxBatchSize to control message batch delivery size.
  7. If using EJBs:
    1. If using non-@Asynchronous remote EJB interfaces in the application for EJBs available within the same JVM, consider using local interface or no-interface equivalents instead to avoid extra processing and thread usage.
    2. If an EJB is only needed to be accessed locally within the same server, then use local interfaces (pass-by-reference) instead of remote interfaces (pass-by-value) which avoids serialization.
  8. If using security, consider tuning the authentication cache and LDAP sizes.
  9. Use the minimal feature set needed to run your application to reduce startup time and footprint.
  10. Upgrade to the latest version and fixpack as there is a history of making performance improvements and fixing issues or regressions over time.
  11. Consider enabling request timing which will print a warning and stack trace when requests exceed a time threshold.
  12. Review logs for any errors, warnings, or high volumes of messages.
  13. Monitor, at minimum, response times, number of requests, thread pools, connection pools, and CPU and Java heap usage using mpMetrics-2.3, monitor-1.0, JAX-RS Distributed Tracing, and/or a third party monitoring program.
  14. Consider enabling event logging which will print a message when request components exceed a time threshold.
  15. Consider running with a sampling profiler such as Health Center or Mission Control for post-mortem troubleshooting.
  16. Disable automatic configuration and application update checking if such changes are unexpected.
  17. If the application writes a lot to messages.log, consider switching to binary logging for improved performance.
  18. Review the performance tuning topics in the OpenLiberty and WebSphere Liberty documentation.
  19. If running on z/OS:
    1. Consider enabling SMF 120 records.
    2. Consider WLM classification: zosWlm-1.0
    3. Enable hardware cryptography for Java 8 or Java 11

For details, see the WebSphere Liberty chapter.