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Identifying WebSphere Monitor Server on WebSphere Process Server ports

In this lesson, you will identify the ports being used by WebSphere® Monitor Server on WebSphere Process Server.

Depending on the order of install and what else was previously installed on a user's machine, the WebSphere Monitor Server may not be using the default ports. So it is necessary to identify the ports to use before running the sample.
  1. Open the file AboutThisProfile.txt located at: <WebSphere Integration Developer 62 install directory>\pf\WBMonitor Srv_wps\logs.
  2. Check the entries for HTTP transport port and HTTPS transport port. Anywhere in this tutorial where you see <Server_Port>, substitute the value found for the HTTP transport port. Anywhere in this tutorial where you see <Secure_Server_Port>, substitute the value found for the HTTPS transport port.
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