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Allocating a File for Disk Space on UNIX

To allocate a file for database server disk space on UNIX, log in as user informix and concatenate null to the filename that the database server will use for disk space. The file should have permissions set to 660 (rw-rw----). Group and owner must be set to informix. Table 21 illustrates these steps and allocates the file /usr/data/my_chunk for disk space.

Table 21. Preparing Cooked File Space
Step Command Comments
1. su informix Log in as user informix. (Enter the password.)
2. cd /usr/data Change directories to the directory where the cooked space will reside.
3. cat /dev/null > my_chunk Create your chunk by concatenating null to a file (in this example, a file named my_chunk).
4. chmod 660 my_chunk Set the permissions of the file to 660
5. ls -lg my_chunk -rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 0 Oct 12 13:43 my_chunk Use ls -l if you are using System V UNIX. Verify that both group and owner of the file are informix. You should see something like this line (which has wrapped around).

For information on how to create a dbspace using the file you have allocated, refer to Creating a Dbspace.

Once you have allocated the file space, you can create the dbspace or other storage space as you normally would, using onutil. For information on how to create a dbspace or a dbslice, refer to Creating a Dbspace with onutil and Creating Dbslices.

You must also follow the preceding steps prior to adding a chunk to a dbspace.

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